So while Chris spends today working on the opening level(s) for the first Cycle, I'll be spending my day working on the story.  While older games with similar gameplay from our childhood had loose stories that could be summed up in one sentence, " save the princess","defeat the evil blah blah blah". My aim for Project:Moonphase is to have a deep story and characters that people will care about.  And while elaborate cut scenes are pretty and fun to watch at times, ideally, the story will unfold during the gameplay, and will enhance it, not detract from it.  
  How many times have you been playing a game and been forced to stop by some lengthy dialogue or cut scene that you just wanted to skip anyway because you didn't care what the story was, you just wanted to get back to actually doing something? I want the players to explore every inch of Chris's elaborate levels looking for any little piece of story they can find because they just have to know more.  
  That being said, I should stop procrastinating and get to writing the story instead of this blog.